180 Ahern Street, Fort Shaw MT
Pastor Josh Bidlack: 406-836-2409
Calendar of Events:
December 24: Christmas Eve Service 5 pm
December 25: Merry Christmas!
December 29: Sunday School 9:30 am
Worship 10:30 am
Prayer 6 pm
January 1: Happy New Year!
January 3: JOY Ladies Fellowship (Joshua) 9-11 am, Bidlack's home
January 5: Sunday School 9:30 am
Worship 10:30 am (Communion Sunday)
Prayer 6 pm
January 7: Deacon Meeting 6 pm
January 10: JOY Ladies Fellowship (Joshua) 9-11 am, Bidlack's home
January 12: Sunday School 9:30 am
Worship 10:30 am
Front Range 2 pm (Fairfield)
Prayer 6 pm
January 17: JOY Ladies Fellowship (Joshua) 9-11 am, Bidlack's home
January 18: Men's Breakfast 7-9 am
January 19: Sunday School 9:30 am
Worship 10:30 am
Prayer 6 pm
January 24: JOY Ladies Fellowship (Joshua) 9-11 am, Bidlack's home
January 26: Sunday School 9:30 am
Worship 10:30 am
Potluck & Annual Business Meeting following worship *please bring a dish to share! *
January 31: JOY Ladies Fellowship (Joshua) 9-11 am, Bidlack's home
February 2: Sunday School 9:30 am
Worship 10:30 am (Communion Sunday)
Prayer 6 pm
Pastor Josh Bidlack's Email & Phone Number: jjbidlack@yahoo.com
Church Mailing Address: PO Box 66, Fort Shaw MT, 59443
Church Phone Number: 406-264-5559